healthy christmas


9 Diet Dos and Don’ts for Holiday Party Season

The holiday party season is all about glitter, glam, and, yes, indulging in festive treats. But while it’s easy to overdo it on cookies, cocktails, and other party foods, the key is to balance fun with moderation. Dawna Stone, author of The Healthy You Diet, shares 9 helpful tips on how to stay healthy during the festivities while still enjoying yourself.

1. DON’T Walk Down the Buffet Line

Instead of walking down the buffet line and trying everything, go directly to the dishes that catch your eye and enjoy those. “You may be surprised to find you’re full after just a few bites,” says Stone. She also suggests that expensive options, like shrimp cocktail and smoked salmon, tend to be healthier choices that still feel indulgent without packing on the calories.

2. DO Take Advantage of Small Portion Sizes

Mini dishes like spanakopita, caprese skewers, or crostinis offer portion control while satisfying your cravings. But remember, these small bites can add up quickly. "Keep count and don’t get carried away," Stone warns. Pair them with a couple of cocktails, and you could end up consuming more than you think.

3. DON’T Feel Obligated to Try Every Dish

It’s tempting to say yes to everything your aunt offers, but remember, it’s okay to politely decline. “You should never feel guilty for saying ‘No, thank you,’” says Stone. Only indulge in your favorite dishes and skip the rest.

4. DO Bring Your Own Healthy Dish

If you’re attending a holiday party and want to stay on track, bring a healthy appetizer or dessert. Stone recommends shrimp cocktail, vegetables with dip, fruit kabobs, or a fresh guacamole with tortilla chips. Not only will this help you make healthier choices, but others might be grateful for a healthy option as well.

5. DON’T Go Alone if You Don’t Know Anyone

If you're feeling social anxiety or don't know anyone at the party, bring a friend along or find someone to chat with. “Don’t stand near the food table or the bar,” Stone suggests. Engage in other activities like party games or dancing to distract yourself from mindlessly snacking.

6. DO Imbibe (But in Moderation)

It’s a celebration, so enjoy a drink or two—but choose wisely. “A Long Island iced tea has about the same number of calories as a Big Mac,” Stone points out. Opt for light beer, wine, or mixed drinks with non-caloric mixers like club soda to keep your calorie count low. You can also avoid constant refills by choosing sparkling water with lime.

7. DON’T Forget That the Holidays Are About More Than Food

While food is part of the celebration, it shouldn’t be the main focus. “The holidays are a time to enjoy family and friends,” says Stone. Don’t let yourself feel guilty about indulging occasionally. Moderation is key, and by making smart choices, you can enjoy the festivities without overindulging.

8. DO Eat Clean Whenever You Can

If you know you’ll be indulging at a holiday party, try to eat healthy throughout the day. “I focus on eating a healthy breakfast and lunch so I can enjoy dinner without guilt,” says Stone. Planning ahead with nutritious meals will help you manage your calorie intake and keep your health on track.

9. DON’T Stress — You Probably Won’t Gain Much Weight

Even if you overindulge a bit, don’t stress. Research shows that the average American gains just over a pound during the holiday season, much of which can’t even be attributed to holiday eating. So, don’t worry too much—you’ll still look great in your holiday dress come New Year’s Eve!

Enjoy the Season Mindfully

The holidays are a time to relax, celebrate, and enjoy special moments with loved ones. By following these tips, you can strike a balance between indulging and staying healthy, so you can feel great throughout the season and beyond.

Source: Fitbie