Fertility Myths Busted!

Fertility Myths: Fact or Fiction?
There are many myths about male fertility that can cause unnecessary worry. Let's debunk some of the most common ones to help clear up any confusion.
Fertility Myth #1: Laptops Kill Sperm
True! The heat generated by a laptop placed on your lap can raise your testicle temperature by nearly 3°C. Studies, such as those from the State University of New York, have shown that prolonged exposure to heat can negatively affect sperm production. The scrotum needs to stay cooler than the rest of the body to maintain healthy sperm, so men who sit for long periods, such as taxi drivers or truckers, may also experience fertility issues.
Fertility Myth #2: Conception Gets Easier After Your First Child
Myth! Having one child doesn’t necessarily make it easier to conceive again. Secondary infertility is just as common as primary infertility. While hormonal changes from a previous pregnancy can sometimes make conception easier, men can still face difficulties, even after having one successful pregnancy.
Fertility Myth #3: Fat Blokes Have More Fertility Problems than Thin Ones
True! Being overweight is linked to infertility issues in men. Excess body fat can interfere with the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is crucial for sperm production. To improve fertility, men are advised to aim for a Body Mass Index (BMI) of between 18.5 and 25.
Fertility Myth #4: It’s All About the Position You Have Sex In
Myth! There's no scientific evidence to suggest that sexual position impacts the chances of getting pregnant. The most important factors are timing and ensuring the right sperm count. Abstaining for 2-5 days before trying to conceive helps maintain sperm quality, while excessive abstinence or too frequent intercourse can reduce sperm count.
Fertility Myth #5: Soya Can Short-Circuit Sperm
True! Some studies suggest that high levels of soy products, which contain genistein (an estrogen-like compound), may negatively affect sperm health. However, countries like Japan, where soy is a dietary staple, don’t report higher infertility rates, so the impact may depend on overall diet. If concerned, opt for soya-free alternatives and ensure sufficient zinc intake.
Fertility Myth #6: Infertility is Incurable
Myth! While sperm count may be decreasing globally, 95% of men can receive treatment for infertility. Advances like ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection), where a single sperm is used to fertilize an egg, have revolutionized infertility treatments.
Fertility Myth #7: Fertility Problems Determine the Sex of Your Baby
True! Studies suggest that if you struggle with infertility, your chances of having a boy increase over time. This may be due to the stickiness of cervical mucus, which makes it more difficult for sperm carrying the X chromosome (female) to reach the egg. Sperm carrying the Y chromosome (male) are faster and more likely to succeed.
Fertility Myth #8: Fertility Drugs Mean Multiple Pregnancies
Myth! While fertility drugs like Clomiphene can increase the likelihood of multiple pregnancies, licensed clinics now typically only transfer one or two embryos to reduce the risk of multiples. Advances in treatment have minimized this risk.
Fertility Myth #9: Only Women Have a Biological Clock
Myth! Men also have a biological clock, though it works differently. Research shows that men over 50 are at four times the risk of having children with birth defects due to changes in sperm quality. Additionally, men over 35 may face delays in conception.
While there are many fertility myths, it's essential to base decisions on facts. Men’s fertility can be impacted by lifestyle factors like heat exposure, diet, and weight, but it is not all doom and gloom. By making informed choices, it's possible to improve chances of conception.
Keep Cool and make decisions based on scientific facts to boost your fertility.