12 Things Your Fertility Doctor Wants You To Know About Getting Pregnant Right Now
Unless you’re actively trying to get pregnant, there’s a good chance you know more about what it takes to prevent pregnancy than to conceive. Whether you’re ready for a baby or think you might like to have one someday, health-care professionals say it’s time to learn. As Dr. Sharon Vorona, physician and medical director of Figure 1 — an app that lets health-care providers share photos and info related to their cases with each other for discussion — tells Cosmopolitan.com, “If you know that it’s something that you want in your life, then it’s good to have an understanding of the science behind ovulation and the factors that affect fertility.” Ahead, ten things that you should know about fertility and trying to conceive, or TTC, right now.
12 Things Your Fertility Doctor Wants You To Know About Getting Pregnant Right Now

How Your Man May Be Impacting Your Chances of Pregnancy
You know your man isn’t perfect. He may be your main man, but he also forgets to clean the grinds out of the coffee maker. He may be your moon and stars, but he also wakes you up when you are sleeping with his spectacular snoring.
How Your Man May Be Impacting Your Chances of Pregnancy

It’s not you… It’s him: The other side of infertility
Many men are surprised to discover their health issues could be the cause of their partner not being able to get pregnant. But male infertility is much more common than is commonly known. One study on IVF revealed that boys may be even able to inherit fertility problems from their fathers! Is it about time that we turn the spotlight away from women and take male infertility more seriously?
It’s not you… It’s him: The other side of infertility

Relationship Survival On Infertility Island
Going through infertility often means an added layer of stress—emotionally, physically, and financially. It means having to problem solve a problem that often times is “unexplained,” or that has very few desirable solutions. If you are in a relationship, it also means you and your partner may not always be on the same page about what to do next, which can add yet another layer of stress to the situation. Sounds glorious, doesn’t it?
Relationship Survival On Infertility Island

Does Semen Control a Woman’s Behaviour? Exposure may Affect Genes, Hormones and Fertility
First we were told the composition of semen could possibly help fight depression.
Now, research suggests that male semen can affect the genes and behaviour of females in other ways, too.
Does Semen Control a Woman’s Behaviour? Exposure may Affect Genes, Hormones and Fertility

How Your Wife Is Your Secret Weapon for Weight Loss
Team up to slim down: You’re more likely to drop pounds and achieve your weight loss goals if your wife or girlfriend is also making healthy changes with you, finds a new study from the U.K.
How Your Wife Is Your Secret Weapon for Weight Loss

What Are The Do’s and Don’ts When Trying to Conceive?
A principle that health care professionals can agree upon – and one that is supported by common sense – is that a couple should make healthy choices while they are trying to conceive. Exercise, a healthy diet and avoiding potentially harmful substances like drugs and alcohol are all wise choices to create the healthiest possible environment for a baby. But specific recommendations vary, and studies differ about the hazards of some practices while trying to conceive. Drinking and smoking are two of the most common questions couples face, and we want to help you make the best choice for your situation.
What Are The Do’s and Don’ts When Trying to Conceive?

TTC Tips for Making Healthy Sperm
In order to make a healthy baby, men need healthy sperm (or “swimmers”). In order to ensure you are your most fertile self, let’s review the physiology of male reproduction for those with normal sperm compared to those with low motility and sperm count.
TTC Tips for Making Healthy Sperm

Healthy Men: 8 Ways to Avoid Gaining Relationship Weight
They say love is blind, and that may be true—especially when it comes to an expanding waistline. In a new British survey, 62 percent of women polled said they accidentally gained up to 15 pounds after coupling up. Nearly 75 percent also thought their other half had packed on weight, too. Whether eating out, grabbing drinks, or swapping gym time for movie nights is to blame, one thing is certain: Following a few healthy-dating tricks can help keep the weight off and you happy-in-love. Here, experts explain how.
Healthy Men: 8 Ways to Avoid Gaining Relationship Weight

How To Handle the Question: When Are You Going to Have Kids?
If you have been trying to conceive for a while, you dread those offhand, well-meaning questions about your family planning. It might come from your aunt at the dinner table or an old college friend you run into at a bookstore, but the question usually takes some form of, “When are you going to have kids?”
For whatever reason, matters of conception and childbearing seem to be fair game as conversation topics, even when the asker is not particularly close to the one being quizzed. If your first impulse when such questions come is to explode, you’re not alone, but preparing a controlled, honest response is generally preferable than giving into your frustration.
How To Handle the Question: When Are You Going to Have Kids?

Fertility Fact Vs. Fiction
If you are trying to conceive, you have probably heard many tips for getting pregnant and have a hard time discerning fertility fact from fiction. Which suggestions may actually help when you are trying for a baby? Let’s review some of the more common beliefs about fertility and see if the science backs them up.
Fertility Fact Vs. Fiction

Fertility Old Wives’ Tales: The Funniest Stories You May Not Have Heard
Couples who are trying for a baby tend to be well informed about fertility and their options to help bring about conception. If anyone is able to distinguish between old wives’ tales and facts undergirded by research, it would be the men and women who spend hours talking to medical professionals and reading every resource about fertility they can get their hands on. So just for fun, in the spirit of discerning truth from fiction, we bring you a roundup of some of the most outlandish fertility myths: