This Salad Bar Ingredient Can Boost The Nutritional Value of Vegetables
There’s an ingredient at the salad bar you should be piling on your plate. Hint: it’s not a vegetable, but it can bolster their nutritional value, according to a study from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
The powerhouse is the humble egg. The burgeoning research shows the co-consumption of cooked eggs and raw vegetables enhances the body’s absorption of carotenoids (the vitamin- and antioxidant-filled pigments in fruits and vegetables).
In the small study, 16 young men ate three versions of salad—one with no egg, one with 1.5 scrambled whole eggs, and another with 3 scrambled whole eggs—atop a mix of romaine lettuce, baby spinach, tomatoes, shredded carrots and Chinese wolfberry. Those who consumed the largest amount of eggs with the mixed salad increased the absorption of carotenoids 3-9 times.
Source: Mens Fitness