Get Her Pregnant
Trying to get in the family way? Use these tips to boost your fertility and hers and get her pregnant.
Most women have a rough to good idea of how long their cycle is, but there’s a lot of confusion about when they’re at their most fertile. The answer is 14 days BEFORE the first day of her period – not, as is often suggested, 12-14 days after the first day of her period. This 12-14 day figure is only relevant to women who have a 27-28 day cycle; if she has a 32-day cycle, her most fertile time is around day 18; if she has a 24-day cycle, her most fertile time is around day 10.
Get a Fertility Monitor
Quit Smoking as a Couple
Hit the Gym Together
Get Rid of the Old Briefs
Do it Early
Testosterone levels are at their highest in the mornings and your semen also has the highest sperm count then.
Snowballs help to keep you cool and get her pregnant
Source: Men’s Health