sexual health

6 Secrets of People Who Have Great Sex Lives

A satisfying sex life can be a key factor in a happy relationship. Research shows that those who are happy with their sex lives tend to be more satisfied with their partnerships overall. But finding time for intimacy can be challenging in busy relationships. Fortunately, creating a fulfilling sex life isn’t about following a complicated formula—it's about applying simple, research-backed habits.

Here are six habits of people who regularly enjoy great sex:

1. They Have Easygoing Personalities

Your personality plays a crucial role in your sex life. Research published in the Journal of Research in Personality found that newlywed couples where the woman scored high in agreeableness—meaning she was more likely to prioritize her partner’s needs—tended to have more frequent sex. Additionally, while men often initiated sex, it was the women who ultimately determined whether it took place.

2. They Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an essential ingredient for a healthy sex life. A small study found that women who got extra hours of sleep experienced a higher level of sexual desire. The benefits of a good night’s sleep don’t end there—sex itself can enhance sleep quality by releasing oxytocin and other stress-relieving chemicals, creating a cycle of improved rest and sexual satisfaction.

3. They Express Love in the Moment

Emotional intimacy sparks physical connection. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found that 75% of sexually satisfied men and 74% of sexually satisfied women reported that their partner said “I love you” during their last sexual encounter. In addition to verbal expressions of love, setting the mood and engaging in sexy talk also contributed to higher satisfaction.

4. They’re Open to Experimenting

Variety can keep things exciting in the bedroom. The same Journal of Sex Research study showed that couples who tried new things in bed reported higher sexual satisfaction. Being open to experimentation helps maintain a dynamic and fulfilling sex life.

5. They Exercise Regularly

Exercise can boost your sex life in more ways than one. Regular physical activity enhances libido and, for men, may improve erectile function. A 2015 study found that men who exercised more often reported better sexual function and a stronger sex drive. Staying fit can reverse low libido and improve confidence in the bedroom.

6. They Don’t Have Sex Out of Obligation

Sex should be pleasurable, not a chore. A study from Carnegie Mellon University found that when couples were forced to have more sex, they viewed it as an obligation, leading to a decrease in mood. The key to a better sex life is often to let desire come naturally, rather than feeling pressured to meet a quota.

By following these simple habits—having an easygoing personality, getting enough rest, expressing love, being experimental, staying active, and focusing on pleasure over obligation—you can create a healthier, more satisfying sex life without needing complex advice or strategies.